The Mission of the Mad River Valley Backcountry Coalition is to provide safe and sustainable non-motorized multiple-use trails and backcountry ski/snowboard zones for the enjoyment of area residents and visitors.
We are here to
• Serve as a voice for those who value access to non-motorized winter recreation in the Mad River Valley and adjacent areas.
• Promote self-propelled, winter recreation such as backcountry skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing on public and private lands by maintaining trails, glades and trail access in an ecologically responsible manner.
• Promote environmental awareness, responsible trail use, and backcountry safety.
• Assist, where requested and appropriate, through information gathering, education and public service, in the management of glades and trails.
MRVBC is a chapter of the Catamount Trail Association's (CTA)
Board of Directors (Learn more)
Executive Committee
Mark Haberlie - President
Wendy Bridgewater - Treasurer
Kevin Russell - Secretary
Alan Hammersmith - Trail Chief
Julie Frost - Communications Coordinator
At-Large Board Members
Ben Bridgewater
Todd White
Keith Berkelhamer
Jacki Strenio
Gannon Osborn
Advisory Committee
David Goodman
Amy Jamieson
Brian Mohr
RJ Thompson
Kate Sudhoff
Kate Wanner
Jito Coleman
Steve Sharp
Brian Litmans